Friday, December 17, 2010

Hunting for trees

Here I am with the Feely clan looking for Christmas trees at a farm in Lake Stevens.

Look! It's an angel on the top of a Christmas tree!

Here I am with one of my favorite people, my cousin Kyle.

This is the one!

And the final result. I've been rearranging the bottom ornaments every day. By Christmas, I'm sure they will be perfect.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

so bring us some figgy pudding

Audrey had a great time Friday night in downtown Seattle. We had dinner at Gordon Biersch (I highly recommend their Winterbock beer) and then watched the 6pm snow show at Pacific Place. Finally it was out to carolling at the great Figgy Pudding event. We amazingly ran into five different groups of people we knew. Nice to see you Irene; Jim and Ivy; Jon, Pam and Elizabeth; TisaRose; and Gabie and her "gang."

jumping in the snow

singing Jingle Bells

Dancing to Rudolph

Friday, November 26, 2010

Snow Days

Audrey got stuck at Grandma's house Monday night (we didn't want a 20 minute trip one-way to turn into an all night adventure as seemed to happen to many weary commuters). But after we picked her up Tuesday morning we came back home then headed down to Matthews Beach Park. She wasn't quite ready for the big kids hill, but she loved the little one. She also loved being pulled all over.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

At least she is honest, and other thoughts

I was doing dishes while Audrey was playing on the stairs, but I really wasn't paying too much attention. When I took time to actually look, she had poured out her packet of bunny crackers and was smashing them into the carpet with a big piece of pink sidewalk chalk. I emphatically asked "Audrey, what are you doing?" To which she replied "Making a Big Mess!"

We are talking about necks recently and I asked her what animal has a really long neck, she said "Hmm?" which is what she always says when she is not sure of an answer. So I said," is it a elephant, giraffe or lion?" She said "giraffe", and I said "that's right", and Audrey proclaimed "Good observation Audrey."

Her thoughts on cheese have not changed. Within the past week Audrey has eaten raw bell peppers, spicy chili, mussels and clams out of the shell, uncooked tomatoes (all to our delight) and she always wants to be in the kitchen helping cook, bake and smell everything. Yet if any type of cheese (mild to extreme, soft or hard) gets in her mouth she sticks her tongue out as far as possible and wipes it on the closest object, preferably mommy's sleeve or pant leg.

She has nearly memorized Baby Bear Baby Bear What do You See.

I asked her Sunday night last, what she wanted for dinner and she replied "Gabie and cake!" So Kayleen whipped up a cake and Gabie and clan came over for a Sunday dinner Greek feast.

Getting out of the bath tub after about 30 minutes Audrey proclaimed "Audrey has wrinkly toes, I have wrinkly fingers also, wrinkly hands too." I like that she used too and also in the same sentence.

I am also surprised by her remembrance of Oscar since Oscar died in April when she was only 18 months old. A dog in a car window went by recently and she said "I miss Oscar, Daddy misses Oscar too. He was my dog." Kayleen and I don't really talk about Oscar, much, there a few photos, so I was just stunned that she said it.

She falls asleep praying, at least that is what we think. She is a little angel after all.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy 18th Cousin Gabie

My cousin Gabie turned 18 this week and to celebrate she asked daddy (a.k.a. ChefSteban) to cook a dinner for she and 13 of her senior high school friends. Here is a picture of Gabie holding me and the rest of the gang!

Daddy gave the boys lots of advise, such as "don't do drugs, stay in school, stay away from my Goddaughter." After dinner they headed off to watch the mid-night opening of Harry Potty (that's what I call it anyhow).

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I got to wear my new leggings to the tiny-tots symphony on Saturday. I loved the ruffles around my ankles.

I enjoyed the concert very much, in was all Tchaikovsky featuring brass. I correctly identified a trumpet and a trombone, I didn't know the tuba yet though.

I have also discovered recently that anything can be a percussion. My imagination runs wild thinking of all the things I can (and do) bang together.
PS - can you believe the fuchsia still has blooms?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

End of October

Audrey told me about a month ago that she wanted to be an elephant for Halloween this year. So, I searched on craigslist and found a suitable costume. For the last month, Audrey has been carrying her elephant around the house like a stuffed animal, but has answered "no" every time I ask her if she wants to put it on. Thankfully, with a little chocolate bribery, we convinced her that it would be fun it put it on for trick-or-treating. Still, I think she enjoys carrying more than wearing it.

MMmmm...trick-or-treating at Great Harvest. Green breadsticks!

A couple of weekends ago we celebrated Audrey's good friend Dominic's birthday at a great pumpkin patch in Fall City. She was all business; got her cider, got her doughnuts, and headed to the bluegrass band where she practiced her bouncy dancing skills until the big tractor ride around the pumpkin patch.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

♪ Hello Cello ♫

Audrey had her first cello lesson recently at Benaroya. Soon, no doubt, she'll be on to Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude . We recommend the Seattle Sympathy's tiny tots series for families with toddlers.

Monday, October 11, 2010

ABdub. 2.0

Happy 2nd Birthday Audrey Bernadette!
You fill our lives with so much Joy.

Kayleen made a yummy and fun birthday cake. Audrey did a little quality control on the frosting beforehand.

Kayleen also knit Audrey her very own hobby horse. In the background is her new and improved kitchen. Audrey loves to cook.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

San Juans - Days 7, 8

We had two more great days of weather, relaxation and fun in San Juans.

Finished with breakfast and ready to go find some crabs!

Exploring at San Juan County Park

We found a sea lion sunning himself on a rock at Lime Kiln State Park.

MMMmmm Lopez Island chocolate truffle ice cream around the camp fire.

Our last sunset at the beach house.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

San Juans - Days 5, 6

The weather has been great, true Western Washington Indian-Summer September weather. Here are a few of the doings these past couple of days.

Friday Harbor Aquarium at night.

We spent a couple of hours at Roche Harbor. I liked all the boats and the tiny fish.

We visited three tranquil and beautiful beaches in the southern tip of the Island. So much exploring.

Mommy and me back at the beach house.

Here are a couple of videos of fun with my silly daddy.

Monday, September 27, 2010

San Juans - Days 3, 4

Nana and Papa came up for a gloriously sunny Saturday. We played at the water's edge and tried to catch some crab. We also went to the farmer's market - daddy bought goat shank, which made mommy pretty nervous. Then while I napped, mommy stayed with me and knitted on the deck. Daddy, Nana and Papa drove up to Roche Harbor and sampled wine at the San Juan Winery. For dinner daddy made a delicious grilled salmon with peppered asparagus puree, Italian wedding soup, and bread salad. What a day!

We've also spent lots of time strolling around the house, and at "our" beach.

On Sunday, we drove to an alpaca ranch and a wonderful lavender farm. For dinner Sunday, we ate at an amazing Syrian restaurant in Friday Harbor, called Maloula's. The Kibbeh and Zataar where both excellent as was the red lentil curry soup that the chef/owner comped us! He also comped daddy a 100 proof Syrian spirit called Arak. Smooth. Mommy drove home!

Friday, September 24, 2010

San Juans - Days 1, 2

We are in the San Juans for the rest of September. Here is this morning's sunrise from our deck of the house we rented. Audrey loved saying hi to all the crabs down at the beach.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I really love to dance!

My mom said, Try "spinning."
I gave it a try
My friends all like spinning
And sometimes so do I
But the only thing I really
want to do
Is dance

I really love to dance . . .

My mom said, "Walk backwards.
I gave it a try
My friends all walk backwards
And sometimes so do I
But the only thing I really want to do

Is dance!

I really love to dance . . .

My mom said, "Try painting."
I painted the sky
My friends all like painting
And sometimes so do I
But the only thing I really want to do

Is dance!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Audrey's thoughts on Jesus and His House

Audrey has been pretty funny at Mass the past couple of weeks.

Two weeks ago at the Newman Center she was in the Chapel and got a copy of the Magnificat from one of the kneelers. There was a Pieta on the back cover with Jesus head on Mary's lap. Audrey said "Night Night Jesus, Night Night Jesus." Then a minute later, Rev. Raphael Mary (who happens to be tall, thin, bearded and in his early 30s) came into the chapel to put the hosts back in the tabernacle, and Audrey pointed to him and said "Big Jesus!"

This last Sunday, we went to the noon Mass at Blessed Sacrament and it definitely conflicted with Audrey's nap schedule. Mass went over one hour and 2o minutes and toward the end, Audrey had had enough, she declared to mommy, "Audrey home, bye-bye Jesus house." When we finally got in the car she looked back at the Church and declared, "Yeah, bye-bye Jesus house, bye-bye Jesus house, Oh yes, bye-bye Jesus house."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wading Pools

We finally made it to one of Seattle Park's wading pooling over the Labor Day weekend.
This is the one at Green Lake. I loved it.

Labor Day?

How I spent my "Labor" Day.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Family Fair Time

The Williams clan headed to the Evergreen State Fair last weekend. The big animals (cows, horses, and pigs) were pretty scary. I preferred smaller creatures like the bunnies and chickens. The nine-month Great Dane puppy didn't scare me though. Mommy and Daddy let me eat more junk food than usual too, so that was the tops.

Howdy Y'all!

This is the closest picture they could get to me and the big farm animals, and yes daddy is holding my hand to the horse.

. . . and mini corn dogs too!