Friday, May 27, 2011

Her own rhythm

I'm not sure where Audrey picked up this new beat for her old ABCs, but I like it!


Audrey is not a big fan of the new dinosaur exhibit at the zoo. I think they were a little too life-like. She didn't like that they moved, and she especially did not like the noise they make. See exhibit A.
And exhibit B.
And exhibit C.

She finally found some cute little baby dinos that were OK.

And this one did not make noise or move, so it was OK for a quick photo. Audrey's favorite zoo attractions are still the flamingos and the penguins, followed by every other animal and insect in the zoo, and then the dinosaurs.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Running in Belltown

Audrey has been really interested in running lately. Whenever Steven or I am heading out for a run, she begs to go, and not in her stroller. At parks especially, she'll announce "I'm going for a run" and off she will go. She had a particularly bad case of it when we visited the Olympic Sculpture Park.

See those light posts all the way down the path? She spirited to every one and ran a circle around every pole.

We tried to get a nice shot in front of the the big wavy sculpture, but this is a good as we could do.

And running down the path.

This was mine and Steven's favorite sculpture. A nearly enclosed corral where we all caught our breath.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Piggle

This is probably my favorite knitting project ever. I found this pattern about 5 years ago and tucked it away until I had a good reason to knit it. Yay for piggies!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Enjoying Spring (Finally!)

Since Spring has finally sprung, I'd thought I'd share a few of Audrey's favorite outdoor activities.

Easter - Times 4

Audrey enjoyed celebrating Easter four times this year! First, an egg hunt at the zoo, followed by an Easter morning egg hunt at home, then two more egg hunts and Grandma's and Nana's houses. Whew! She is now a pro at finding eggs AND eating the chocolate out of them. Here are the highlights.